Weekly Puzzler #224: Blue and Black Crested Bird
I’ve had some fun lately looking though some of my old videos and photos from past road trips and travels. It’s an avoidance tactic I’ve been using to stay away
I’ve had some fun lately looking though some of my old videos and photos from past road trips and travels. It’s an avoidance tactic I’ve been using to stay away
One thing that I love about writing this blog is that I regularly get to learn lots of all-things-Mother-Nature. When I’m outside exploring I often notice things that I can’t
This puzzler is a bird that although common throughout much of the United States, is not one that most people have likely seen. That’s because it is a ground bird,
So now that you know what an accipiter is, let’s do one more. This next puzzler is a bird that, like a Cooper’s and Sharp-Shinned Hawk, has a long tail
What sounds do you associate with the coming of spring? Birds singing? The chorus of frogs? For anyone who has a deep intimacy with the natural world, you know there
Don’t you agree that spring is an amazing time of year? Yes, it’s true that coronavirus has changed the world for us humans this spring, but the animals are continuing
I feel like I should give bonus points if you can repeat that title 5 times–fast! It is a tongue twister for sure. But if you’ve ever seen this next