The purple flowering tree in last week’s puzzler is that of a Paulownia Tree, also known as the Princess Tree, Empress Tree or Royal Empress Tree, (Paulownia tomentosa) It has showy purple flowers, GIANT leaves and grows really fast. It is also a highly invasive tree that is threatening native ecosystems wherever it grows, especially in riparian areas where its fast growth outcompetes native species. If you have this in your yard, consider removing it.

The Paulownia tree is native to Eastern Asia and according to NC State Extension Gardener, “The tree is named in honor of Russian Princess Anna Paulowna (1795-1865), while the species name tomentosa means hairy in Latin. This shade tree grows rapidly adding 15 feet each year to reach a mature height of 50 feet and width of 30 feet in just 10 years. It is considered one of the fastest growing trees in the world. ” The seeds of this tree are enclosed in small brown pods. Each pod can hold up to 2000 seeds. One Paulownia tree can produce as many as 200 MILLION seeds!

According to the Rikumo Journal, “It was once customary to plant a Paulownia tree when a baby girl was born, with some wealthy families planting up to three saplings per daughter. The fast-growing tree would mature as the girl did, so that when she reached the age of marriage it could be cut and made into wooden articles for her dowry. On her marriage day, the parents would present her with a chest of paulownia wood carved from her tree, to store kimono and other fine garments.”
Ready for another puzzler? Let’s stick to the plant theme and do another one you might be noticing now when you’re out and about in the woods.