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Water Dance: A One Minute Meditation

I don’t know about you but I can sit beside a river for hours, not really doing anything other than watching the water go by. I love the abstract patterns the wind, waves and reflections cause, the way the sunlight sometimes sparkles like diamonds and the renewal the continuity offers. I think of the individual drops of water and how they have been here forever, traveling around and around, from river to sea to sky and back again, the cycle never ending. Perhaps this is why I love rainy days–I know the water is returning again to the rivers and streams that is the life blood of the Earth.

Where do you go when you need escape from your busy life? Do you seek comfort from the forest, the beach, the mountains, or the river? What spots are your favorites where you return again and again?

Why not sit beside the river with me, if only for a minute, and do nothing but watch the water dance.

Enjoy your Wednesday! See you again soon.


2 thoughts on “Water Dance: A One Minute Meditation

  1. I have often pondered what creature I would like to be when my body goes to dust and my molecules are used to form something new. But why not water…flowing through streams and ponds; surrounded by fascinating creatures in the ocean and then being lifted high into the sky to float above it all before falling back as rain or maybe snow! What a wonderful cycle to be a part of

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