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Weekly Puzzler #194: Origin of These Ping Pong-like Balls

Here’s our next puzzler–check out this photo:

Ping pong-like balls buried in the soil.

These balls look just like ping pong balls! They are about the same size and are whitish. I would venture a guess though and say you’ve never seen them, because usually they are buried, underground, preferably in sandy, soft soil.

Want to guess what they are? There’s no harm in guessing! You can use the comment box below to give your guess–and please note, your information will never be used for anything other than me commenting back to you. If I allow my subscribers to comment immediately I get bombarded with useless and annoying spam comments.

If you are a blog subscriber and guess correctly, I will enter your name in my quarterly drawing.

Have a fabulous weekend!

10 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #194: Origin of These Ping Pong-like Balls

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Renee, for this puzzler especially, touching them would make it easier. They are not puff balls but good guess! Hope all is well there. Happy spring!!

  1. Murray Palmer says:

    Hi, Sharon, I hesitate to name the species, but I believe white ping pong-like balls are turtle eggs. It’s hard to estimate their size, but there’s a good chance they are Snapping Turtle eggs.
    Did you ever read a short story entitled ‘The Man Who Shot Snapping Turtles’? I should try again to find it. It was one of the short stories we studied in Grade 9 (1967).
    I love your spider pics on this page. Murray

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hi Murray! Your guess is correct. I suspected you would know this one… I don’t know the short story you mentioned— I’ll have to look at it. Thanks for reading— I hope your day is going well. Happy Saturday!

  2. William Smith says:

    A group of college students and I spent a week helping the National Park Service with sea turtle habitat restoration in Biscayne Natinal Park a few years ago. It was an awesome experience.
    Thanks for sharing Lollygagger
    Bill Smith

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Bill, that does sounds like an awesome experience— what lucky students! I want to go see the sea turtles 🐢 laying eggs someday! I have never seen it live, only in photos or movies. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share.

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