Weekly Puzzler #204:Bird with a White Belly and Blue-Green-Black Back
I feel like I should give bonus points if you can repeat that title 5 times–fast! It is a tongue twister for sure. But if you’ve ever seen this next
I feel like I should give bonus points if you can repeat that title 5 times–fast! It is a tongue twister for sure. But if you’ve ever seen this next
Did you recognize the cute, gray bird in last week’s puzzler as a tufted titmouse? This bird is very common at bird feeders across the eastern United States. Unlike some
Did you recognize the sleek birds in last week’s puzzler as cedar waxwings? When I was a child growing up in western New York state, I remember one summer when
Hello and happy May! Do you put out a bird feeder to attract birds to your yard? If so, you are not alone. More than 52 million Americans have bird
Happy Saturday to you! Do you have something interesting planned outside this weekend, maybe a hike to a new place? Spring, as it always seems to do, is quickly turning
I was at The North Carolina Arboretum recently and caught this small bird belting out its song from a spot in the bushes. This bird is commonly found throughout much
Did you recognize the black-necked stilts in last week’s puzzler? Here is a new video, featuring them and the small bird (called a yellowlegs) that was in the back of