Weekly Puzzler #281: Thick-Bodied Snake with Zig Zag Bands
Hello and happy weekend! Amazing another month is gone. Before doing today’s puzzler I just want to say thanks to all of those subscribers who have been guessing the puzzlers!
Hello and happy weekend! Amazing another month is gone. Before doing today’s puzzler I just want to say thanks to all of those subscribers who have been guessing the puzzlers!
Last week’s puzzler was a commonly encountered snake– a common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis). There are many subspecies of garter snakes. Many people mistakenly call it a garden snake, which
There were a few observant people who guessed last week’s puzzler correctly. The lone wing was from an insect called a cicada. If you don’t already know, cicadas are really
Happy Mother’s Day to all of those Mom’s out there! I hope your day is relaxing and memorable in some good and amazing way. I’m sure there will be many
Hello again! Our next puzzler is a bird that I see just about daily in my forested yard in western NC. Sometimes I hear it before I see it, as
Did you recognize the bird from last week’s puzzler as a Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)? This handsome bird, 12 inches long, is in the same family as mockingbirds and catbirds,
Happy Weekend, friends. I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we’ve been having and can make time to get outside and enjoy it this weekend. Last week’s puzzler was