New Meaning for the word Redneck
I have had a suction-cup hummingbird feeder on my office window for some time now but two weeks ago, the ants discovered it, even though it is on the second
I have had a suction-cup hummingbird feeder on my office window for some time now but two weeks ago, the ants discovered it, even though it is on the second
I recently spent a night camping on one of the balds along the Appalachian Trail at Roan Mountain. It was one of the those 90 degree days that often brings
Have you ever thought to wonder why it is that people greet each other with the phrase, “Hi, how are you?” We seem to use this phrase–automatically and absentmindedly-– all the
When was the last time you stepped outside of your “comfort zone?” When you did something that was new or different and not the same thing you do every day,
Since moving to North Carolina I have gotten to know the habits of the Carolina Wren–a small brown bird that upon first glance, may not look impressive. But having watched