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Weekly Puzzler #297: Thin Leaves with Orange Flowers

Hello! I’m doing an easier puzzler today to give more of you a chance to win the free sampler pack of cards. All you need to do to get entered in the drawing–which I will do on the first day of summer, Thursday, June 20th– is be a blog subscriber, and use the reply box below the post to offer a guess as to the puzzler answer. This is the last day before I pull a winner! 

So today’s puzzler is a gorgeous flower that is blooming right now. This flower definitely makes my top ten best perennials list. I love, love, love this flower, both because it is native, beautiful, blooms for a long time, and is a food plant for the monarch butterfly caterpillar.  It is a hardy perennial that you’ll often see growing wild in meadows, along the roads and even in parking lots where the soil is not great. It is blooming right now, a welcome spot of bright color. Butterflies love this flower too for the sweet nectar it offers. This flower forms a long taproot so it difficult to transplant.

Check out these photos: 

One of my favorite perennials!
A great spangled fritillary on this flower.
Bees, butterflies and other insects LOVE this flower!
A tiger swallowtail seen on this orange flower.
See, it’s a butterfly magnet!
The orange blooms last a long time.

Do you recognize this beautiful flower? Know the name (the common name is fine! You don’t have to know the latin name.) Last chance to be entered in the drawing. Just reply in the box below the post. If your name is pulled on the first day of summer, I’ll get in touch with you so I can send you the sampler pack of my greeting cards. Good luck! 

And have a great weekend. Happy Father’s Day to all of those dads out there!

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