Hi friends,
I know I’ve been away from my desk for a while now, busy juggling lots of things and trying my best to get outside and enjoy the wondrous spring season. I hope you’ve had a chance to explore a wooded trail near you and see all of the amazing spring ephemerals decorating the forest floors right now! There are so many to see, like old friends you haven’t seen since last spring.
If you’ve been with me any length of time you have likely heard me talking about the unusual blue ghost fireflies that live nowhere else in the world except southern Appalachia, including Buncombe County in western NC where I live. These fireflies are unlike other fireflies in that the males have a tiny light that stays on as they move slowly over the forest floor, looking for females. For someone watching it is a magical and mystical experience as dozens of light trails silently decorate the darkness. In past years my husband and I have hosted a blue ghost viewing party to witness these tiny wonders.

This year, for the first time, we are opening this up to the general public to be able to join us in late May to watch the fireflies! I’m really excited about this and hope you will help me spread the word. I’ll be selling early bird tickets until May 14th and each night –for about 9 nights starting on May 22nd, the audience will be limited to just 16 participants so it can remain a small and intimate event. If you’ve been invited by me to a blue ghost party in the past, and are interested in joining again this year, please send me an email BEFORE purchasing a ticket as I will be hosting a friends only night before kicking off the paid tours.
In the next few days I will have the signup page up and running so stay tuned. Or, you can send me an email now and I’ll be sure and save a place for you. See you again soon!