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Weekly Puzzler #250: A Night Video Featuring Singing Frogs. How Many Do You Hear?

Hey friends! 

I bet you can tell I’ve been busy lately as I’ve not been posting very regularly. It is difficult to make time inside at the computer when there is so much going on outside. I’m sure you have probably had the same challenge.

At the beginning of June I was outside at dusk, exploring some spots along my winding two lane road. Fireflies were flashing, the creek was flowing strong and there was the lovely melody of dozens of frogs calling from a wetland on the other side of the road. I taped for a minute, thrilled with the mix of amphibians. (Renee–this puzzler’s for you!)

Imagine yourself standing in the dark with me, listening to the calls of the frogs. The fireflies are a bit too small to really show up on film but if you have a good imagination, perhaps you can just place them into the darkness. It’s a dark video, not meant to show anything you can see, but lots of sounds you can hear. Check it out:

How many species of frogs did you count? Can you identify the ones you are hearing? Have you seen or heard them in a wetland near you? What frog call is your favorite? 

Check back next weekend to learn the answer. And as always, I’d love to hear from you! Just drop your reply in the comment box below the post. 

Click here for the answer.


2 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #250: A Night Video Featuring Singing Frogs. How Many Do You Hear?

  1. I heard the peepers but the vibrato chorus alongside I can’t remember. Did I hear one short call from a bullfrog near the beginning?

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Thanks for reading. No, not a bullfrog. Instead it’s his smaller cousin, the green frog. And the other one is a gray tree frog. So in that short clip, three different frogs were represented!

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