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Can You Spot the Lie? Mosquitoes

Okay so yes, we all love most changes that warmer weather brings, but I bet none of you out there appreciates the uninvited guests that show up in our yards at this time of year and on into the summer–mosquitoes. Most of us can’t claim to be a fan, understandably so. I’m with you. 

However, I do know that like any other animal in the animal kingdom, mosquitoes have some amazing adaptations that make them perfectly suited to their environments and have made them a success. And LOTS of animals feed on mosquitoes including bats, birds, fish, frogs, tadpoles, turtles, dragonflies, and damselflies among others.

Not a good sign! When you need a head net at dinnertime while hiking the John Muir Trail in California

Let’s look at a few pieces of information about them, two facts which are TRUE and one “fact” that is indeed a LIE. Can you spot the lie? 


  • I am the most dangerous, deadly animal on Earth
  • If I am female I can beat my wings 500 times per second
  • If I am male I can drink 3 times my own body weight in blood

So which one is the lie? Click here to find out.



2 thoughts on “Can You Spot the Lie? Mosquitoes

  1. Murray Palmer (Canada) says:

    Hi, Sharon, Male mosquitoes are not vampires. Only the females suck blood in order to produce eggs.
    This reminds me of the question, What is the most dangerous animal in Africa? But it’s not the hippopotamus, it’s the mosquito which spreads malaria and other deadly diseases.

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hey Murray, yes, you are right of course. And yes, the mosquito is the most dangerous animal, not only in Africa, but on Earth. You are right! I hope your day is going okay and that you can get outside to feel the sunshine soon.

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