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Weekly Puzzler #219: A Ground Bird with a Short Tail

This puzzler is a bird that although common throughout much of the United States, is not one that most people have likely seen. That’s because it is a ground bird, hiding well in the tall grasses where it lives. According to Cornell, “They are most numerous in patchwork areas of fields, forests, and croplands.” You may have heard its call, as that is pretty distinctive. Listen in this video puzzler– created at our camping spot beside a huge meadow in Missouri.

Do you recognize this call?

This bird nests on the ground, or in low vegetation. At night, these birds roost on the ground, together in small groups with their tails pointing in, their heads out.

I’d love to hear from you! Tell me what you think and if you’ve ever seen or heard this bird. You can use the comment box below to give your guess.Then check back next weekend to see if you are correct.

8 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #219: A Ground Bird with a Short Tail

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Renee, somehow I knew you would know the answer to this one! I have never heard them or seen them in North Carolina, but when you look at the range maps they seem to be here. Did you have them up north where you lived?

  1. Because farmers either cut down trees between fields or just planted all the way to the edge, we lost that shrubby brambly habitat that protects these guys. At my brother’s place on Lake Tillery, the owners sold off all the timber leaving nothing over 3-4’ tall and now he is hearing them for the first time

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Thanks for the information. Wish we could see them by us, but maybe it is just not the right habitat.

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