What sounds do you associate with the coming of spring? Birds singing? The chorus of frogs?
For anyone who has a deep intimacy with the natural world, you know there is an order to things that is the same every year, regardless of what’s happening elsewhere. While the coronavirus pandemic continues its world-wide rampage, spring arrives, just as it has since the dawn of time. In the midst of all the heartbreak and devastation, I find comfort and hope in this, and hope you will too.

Mother Nature is oblivious and so, spring, and the soundtrack of spring, continues to play freely in our outdoor spaces.
“Is the spring coming?” he said, “What is it like?”
“It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine.” –from Frances Hodgson Burnett, the Secret Garden.
I have created a ten minute compilation of some of the more common sounds of spring, from the call of the spring peepers (especially for my dear friend Renee and Rich who will love this more than anything else) to the sounds of turkeys gobbling and songbirds singing. I suggest you clear your schedule, sit back and relax and for short time, escape all of the heartbreak.

I hope you enjoy it. I also hope you and your family and friends are staying safe. Maybe sometime soon, you can get outside to a quiet and secluded place and witness some of the sounds of spring for yourself, by yourself.
“Into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”

Please use the comment box below to let me know your thoughts. Did you enjoy the video? How are you and your family coping? What other things would you like to see in my blog posts? I would love to hear from you!
Thank you, Sharon, for a beautiful testament and meditation on the return of my favorite time of the year and my most favorite sounds(and sights) in all the world. Truly stunning!!!!
Renee, you are most welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it. Spring is special every year, but especially this year when life as we know it has changed so much at this moment.