I feel like I should give bonus points if you can repeat that title 5 times–fast! It is a tongue twister for sure. But if you’ve ever seen this next bird, you know that description is correct for depending on the light, this bird can look very different– maybe with a blue back, maybe with a black back, or maybe with a blue-green back.
This next puzzler can be found gliding around in circles in fields or other open areas. Usually, there are more multiple birds, all flying gracefully through the air. You may have seen this bird around, or nesting in, bluebird boxes. But this bird is obviously not a bluebird, though it IS a blue bird! How is he supposed to know those boxes are for bluebirds?
Check out the photos:

And here’s a bonus for you–Check out this picture:

Is this bird shown here feeding its babies, the same species of bird as the one on the bluebird box? If you can answer both questions (identify the birds in both photos, the male __?__ on the bluebird box and the female __?__ feeding her babies–are they the same species? ) I’ll enter your name in the quarterly drawing two times instead of just once if you get it right. Use the comment box below to give your guesses.
Have a great weekend! See you again soon.
Hi, Sharon, Puzzler #204 is the Tree Swallow.
Hey Murray, yes, you are right again! How many is that now? Thanks for reading!
The bird on blue bird house is a Tree swallow; the one feeding her babies is a Barn swallow. At least, that is my guess.
Claire Carey
Claire, your tree swallow guess is correct! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Hope your weekend was great!