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Weekly Puzzler #193: Bark That Looks Like Puzzle Pieces

I was walking along a river recently and since all of the trees are leafless right now, it’s easy to notice other things about them–like their seeds, the shape of them or even their bark.

This is one of my favorite trees, especially since they are so striking along the riverbed, their whitish tops easy to pick out in the forest. Do you recognize it? The peeling bark always makes me think of puzzle pieces.

Flaky bark that peels right off!

Whose bark is this?

If you can identify this tree, use the comment box below to give your guess. All correct guesses will be entered in my next quarterly drawing–the first day of summer. Good luck!

And have a fabulous weekend! Get outside and do something amazing!

7 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #193: Bark That Looks Like Puzzle Pieces

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hey Arden, lacebark elm is a GREAT guess, as that tree also has similar bark that flakes and peels off of the tree. I can totally see how that would be your guess, and maybe from the lack of photos for this puzzler, it is hard to know exactly. However, it is not lacebark elm. Thanks for reading and taking the time to guess! I hope you are having a great day!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Helen, Great guess, but it is not river birch. (River birch however does like to grow by rivers and its bark could be considered a bit flakey or peeling, so right on for knowing that!)

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hey Samuel, thanks for reading and taking time to comment. Your guess is correct! Have a great day!

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