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Weekly Puzzler #132: Perfect Camouflage

Have you traveled to Alaska? Is it on your “bucket list?”

My husband and I recently spent three weeks there, mostly backpacking and camping. We spent time in Denali National Park, Denali State Park and along the Kenai Penninsula to Homer and Seward. This puzzler features an animal found there.

Check out the photos below. The first one is from farther away and the second one is a closer look. If you are looking at it on a smart phone, I’m not sure you’ll see anything! Try a larger screen. Do you see any animals? If so, what kind and how many? (Hint: This is the same kind of animal as last week’s puzzler–#131)





Check back next weekend to see if your guess is correct…. and don’t forget to get your name in the next drawing by using the comment box below to give your guess. All correct answers will be entered.

Speaking of Alaska, some of you have expressed an interest in seeing some of my photos from my recent trip. If you are one of them, you can check out some photos here, on my Flickr page. Enjoy!

And as always, have a great weekend. Hopefully you are somewhere warm and dry. See you again soon.

6 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #132: Perfect Camouflage

  1. It took me several looks to even spot the three birds in that photo. Such camouflage!!
    I have no clue who they are. Perhaps an immature puffin?!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Arden, thank you for always being one of the first to read and comment! Yes, there are three birds…I will talk about them next weekend!

  2. OMG!! Those are incredibly rare Rock Fowl ,. They get their extraordinary camouflage by eating small stones from the area where they live. They actually turn white in the winter because they eat snow.

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