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Weekly Puzzler Answer #26


Deer have ANTLERS
Deer have ANTLERS

The answer to last week’s puzzler is a, This deer has antlers.

Many people use the words antlers and horns interchangeably, but these two words mean different things. Antlers are non-permenant structures that are shed each winter. Antlers are true bone. Horns on the other hand are permanent, made of keratin, which is the same stuff as your fingernail. This grows over a bony core. Horns are never shed and remain with the animal throughout its life. If the horn should become damaged, the animal will not grow another one and the broken part will not be fixed.

Animals with ANTLERS include: deer, moose, elk, caribou

Elk have ANTLERS
Elk have ANTLERS

Animals with HORNS include: Bighorn Sheep, goats, cows.

Mountain Goats have HORNS
Mountain Goats have HORNS

Do you think it’s true that you can tell the age of a deer from his antlers?

Do you know what determines when the deer starts growing antlers each spring?

Do you know how much antlers can grow EACH DAY?

To find out these answers, Click HERE.

This elk has some big ANTLERS!
This elk has some big ANTLERS!

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