Did you know that the last week in July is National Moth Week? Or that Ohio holds an event each July called Mothapalooza that brings together self-professed “Nature Nerds” from all over the eastern United States to look at, learn about, and photograph moths? For several nights into the wee hours of the morning, attendees gather around “mothing stations.” Special bulbs and ultra violet lights directed at white sheets attract an amazing diversity of insects. “Trapped” in the lights on a white background to highlight their shape, size and color, the moths are the source of lots of oohing and aahing–like watching fireworks, only for nature lovers!

More people are learning the importance of making small changes in order to create wildlife sanctuaries and to be better guardians of our yards. Like planting milkweed, welcoming bats, and turning off your outdoor lights at night, the tide is turning. This includes rolling out the red carpet for moths. It used to be that yards and gardens were all about looking nice with no thought to the animals who share our outdoor spaces. But these days, with books like Bringing Nature Home by Doug Tallamy and Gardening for Moths, by Jim McCormac and Chelsea Gottfried, change is coming, one yard at a time.

It’s true that if you do any gardening research online you will find lots of articles about how to eliminate moths and caterpillars from your yard and garden. Holes in your leaves? Caterpillars on your flowers? Frass (caterpillar poop) raining down from the treetops? Article after article will tell you how to get rid of moths. In addition, you’ll easily find plenty of movies, books and popular shows, like Silence of the Lambs, portraying moths as harbingers of doom. Sadly, moths don’t have a very positive reputation.
Here are three reasons why you should consider gardening for moths:
- Do you like birds? Then you should garden for moths! Because moths are the very base of the food web. Moths and their caterpillars are essential to a healthy, functioning ecosystem. Without moths and their caterpillars we would not have birds, bats, and many other species of animals.
2. The sheer numbers of moths means the sky is the limit! Most people are shocked to learn that moths outnumber butterflies TEN to one! Worldwide there are 160,000 species of moths and 17,500 species of butterflies. Both insects belong to the order Lepidoptera which means “scaly winged” because their wings are covered with thousands of tiny, overlapping scales, like shingles on a roof. Many moths and butterflies visit flowers for the nectar, and both inadvertently pollinate those flowers, but the hairier bodies of moths make them much more efficient pollinators.
3. Do you want to see a beautiful creature? Care to be fascinated? Then just look at some photos of moths as the colors, sizes, shapes, and overall diversity is staggering! There are moths with fake eyes, moths with perfect camouflage hiding secret colors under their forewings, moths that mimic wasps and hummingbirds, moths with long tails meant to outsmart bats, moths with hairy legs, moths that sleep in flowers, moths with nearly a foot long proboscis, and moths with antennae so feathery you’d swear they were feathers. There are yellow and pink moths, delicate green moths, and moths with intricate designs that look hand-painted. Our biggest moth in North America–the Cercropia– lives here in western NC and has a wingspan of 5-7 inches! When you garden for moths, you will get to see amazing moths and their caterpillars regularly!
Gardening for moths is a natural step to take for anyone who loves the outdoors and wants to make a difference. Just like gardening for butterflies and welcoming pollinators, gardening for moths should be on your radar. Gardening for moths requires you to look at your yard a little differently, willing to accept some nibbled leaves.
You, the homeowner become a facilitator of biodiversity, a hero for the underdogs, rather than a stringent gatekeeper only allowing in a select few.
When you intentionally put things in your yards that attract and support moths and their caterpillars, many, many other animals benefit. And you benefit too because your yard will be a lot more interesting and busy with wildlife large and small. And thankfully, it’s not difficult to find flowers, trees, shrubs and other plants that add beauty AND support a diversity of wildlife, including moths.

Many plants have evolved side by side with moths, and like a butterfly caterpillar can’t just feed on anything green, the same is true of many moth caterpillars. Knowing which plants the caterpillars require is a first step in creating a suitable habitat that supports a great diversity. And did you know that some flowers are especially attractive to moths, even opening as the sun sets, excluding our diurnal pollinators like butterflies? Some people call it a Moon Garden, filling their yard with white and light-colored flowers that are fragrant and attractive to moths.

Below are just a few host plants for moth caterpillars to get you started.
Host Plants for Moths:
St. John’s Wort Family
Scientific name: Clusiaceae
Type: Shrub
Height: Varies depending on species
There are about 20 species of St. John’s Wort in North America. Most have showy yellow flowers that attract a variety of insects and have a long bloom time.
Potential moths: More than 18 different kinds, including Black Arches (Melanchra assimilis), Common Pug (Eupithecia miserulata), Red-fringed Emerald (Nemoria bistriaria) and Wavy-lined Emerald (Synchlora aerata).
White Meadowsweet and Steeplebush
Scientific Name: Spiraea alba and Spirea tomentosa
Type: Wildflower
This is a gorgeous plant that blooms profusely with dense white or pink flowers. Both are the only two NATIVE species of spireas in our area. It is a pollinator magnet!! Steeplebush has rosy pink flowers that grow at the end of tall stalks, often found in wet meadows or moist habitats. Perfect for a rain garden! There are more than 30 species of moths that potentially feed on this, including the Blinded Sphinx, Lined Ruby Tiger Moth and Virginian Tiger Moth.

Scientific Name: Violaceae
Type: Wildflower
With about 1000 different species, there are many to choose from, and they’re not all violet colored. Violets can also be white and yellow. There are more than 10 species of moths whose caterpillars feed on violets including, Giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia), Venerable Dart (Agrotis venerabilis) and Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba.)
Highbush Blueberry and Deerberry
Scientific name: Vaccinium corymbosum and Vaccinium stamineum
Type: Fruit Shrub
More than 40 different moth caterpillars will potentially feed on the leaves of members of the Heath family, such as high bush blueberry and deerberry, including the Apple Sphinx (Sphinx gordius) Azalea Sphinx (Darapsa choerilus), Decorated Owlet (Pangrapta decoralis), Harris’s Three-spot (Harrisimemna trisignata) and Graceful Underwing (Catocala gracilis.)

Flowering Dogwood
Scientific Name: Cornus florida
Type: Understory Tree
This attractive small tree has beautiful white flowers. It blooms in early spring and then later, will produce a blue berry that the birds love. More than 15 moths feed on this, including Bent-line Gray, Gray Dagger, Polyphemus moth, and Red-humped caterpillar.
Common Serviceberry
Scientific Name: Amelanchier arbor
Type: Understory Tree
Blooming in early spring with a profusion of white flowers, this tree offers something of interest in all seasons. The berries ripen in early summer and feed many birds including cedar waxwings and bluebirds. More than 25 moth species feed on the leaves of this early-blooming tree, including the Blinded Sphinx (Paonias excaecatus), Charming Underwing (Catocala blandula), Pale Beauty (Campaea perlata) and Small-eyed Sphinx (Paonias myops.) As a bonus, this tree is also the host plant for our beautiful Red-spotted Purple butterfly (Limenitis arthemis).

Butterfly Milkweed
Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Type: Wildflower
A member of the Dogbane family, butterfly weed, or butterfly milkweed is a great addition to any garden. As you likely know, it is the only food plant of the monarch caterpillar. But it is also important for moths. The gorgeous orange flowers last a long time and attract a lot of pollinators. There are more than 12 species of moths that will feed on milkweed, including Isabella tiger Moth, Milkweed Tussock Moth and Dogbane Tiger Moth.
Scientific Name: Physocarpus opulifolius
Type: Shrub
Ninebark is a great alternative to the very invasive and non-native Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus). It makes a great foundation shrub. It has gorgeous white flowers that bloom in spring and attract many moths, pollinators and other wildlife. More than 15 species of moths potentially feed on the leaves of Ninebark.

Type: Wildflower
There are more than 300 different kinds of Phlox and all are attractive to people and wildlife! They have showy flowers that both butterflies and moths visit regularly, including hummingbird moths. And definitely check these out at night because numbers moths will visit. There are at least 6 moth caterpillars that will feed on phlox leaves, including Common Idea, Hitched Arches, Olive Arches and Stalk Borer moths.

Evening Primrose Family
Scientific Name: Onagraceae
Type: Wildflowers
Most in this family have fascinating flowers that open at dusk and then close again in the morning, thus eliminating diurnal pollinators like butterflies and bees. Many moths are attracted to the fragrance and light-colored blooms of Primrose. Potential moths include the Primrose Moth (Schinia florida), Nessus Sphinx (Amphion floridensis) and White-lined Sphinx (Hyles lineata).

Scientific Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis
Type: Shrub
When found naturally, this shrub is often at the edges of lakes, ponds, rivers or other wetlands, with its roots in the water. However, when grown by the average gardener, it does not have to be in a wet spot. It creates dense stands with profuse gumball shaped white flowers that are an absolute pollinator magnet. Buttonbush is a great shrub as a foundation plant and can replace the non-native and invasive Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii). Buttonbush hosts more than 10 moths, including the Harris’s Three-spot (Harrisimemna trisignata), Promethea Moth (Callosamia promethea) and Beautiful Wood-nymph (Eudryas grata).
There are of course lots more great plants that will help moths and their caterpillars. You can find a full guide in the Gardening for Moths book by Jim McCormac and Chelsea Gottfried.
If you are interested in setting up your own mothing stations to attract moths to your yard, you can learn more about how to get started with that here.
Nectar Plants for a Moon Garden
There are many possibilities! Choose white or light-colored plants that will stand out in the moonlight and group them together. Also, heavily scented flowers are great here too. You can also add plants with silver or light foliage including Silver Artemisia, (Artemisia schmidtiana) or Lamb’s Ear (Stachys byzantina)
Annuals include Moon flower (Ipomoea alba), Woodland Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and Night Phlox (Zaluzianskya capensis)
Perennials include Phlox, (such as Phlox subulata), Foxglove (Digitalis), Climbing Hydrangea (a twining vine: Hydrangea anomala), Tina James Magic Evening Primrose, (Oenothera glazioviana) Gardenias (Gardenia jasminoides), Jasmine, and Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.)
Shrubs include Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), Hummingbird Clethra (Clethra alnifolia), Little Henry Itea (Itea virginica), Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) and various Hydrangeas such as Silverleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea radiata) and non-native, but not invasive, Glossy Abelia (Abelia x grandifolia)
Good luck! You’ll surely be amazed at the beauty and diversity of moths!