Weekly Puzzler Answer #201
Did you recognize the sleek birds in last week’s puzzler as cedar waxwings? When I was a child growing up in western New York state, I remember one summer when
Did you recognize the sleek birds in last week’s puzzler as cedar waxwings? When I was a child growing up in western New York state, I remember one summer when
If I had showed you a photo of the male bird puzzler #200, I am sure many more of you would have recognized it, as it is so striking that
The woodpecker featured in last week’s puzzler is definitely a tricky one, and one that is easily confused with another bird. If you looked at the title of the puzzler
Did you recognize the small bird singing in last week’s puzzler? If you guessed song sparrow, you are correct! Song sparrows are found throughout North America. They have a brownish
Were the ping pong-like balls from last week’s puzzler something you could identify? These are the eggs from a snapping turtle and it would be unlikely you’ve ever seen them
Did you recognize last week’s puzzler as Wild Ginger or Asarum canadense? Just like the previous puzzler–Dutchmans pipevine, it is in the Birthwort family. It has gorgeous, heart shaped leaves
Did you have a guess about last week’s puzzler? Have you ever seen this in your garden? Last week’s puzzler was a photo of a Hammerhead Worm, a kind of land