Weekly Puzzler #249: Yellow Flower and Clover-Like Leaves
I was in the woods recently and found this pretty little flower that has leaves in three that look just like clovers, only bigger and lined with a magenta color.
I was in the woods recently and found this pretty little flower that has leaves in three that look just like clovers, only bigger and lined with a magenta color.
I recently went on a backpacking trip with my friend Kim who is the owner of Milkweed Meadow Farms in Fruitland, NC and a wealth of knowledge about all kinds
A handful of people recognized last week’s puzzler as Mountain Laurel, Kalmia latifolia. It is also called calico-bush, ivy bush, sheep laurel, lamb kill, or spoonwood. Have you seen this
Hello and happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope you have fun plans and enjoy the holiday whatever neck of the woods you call home. When I was looking over the
There’s something about this vine that I just love. Have you seen it in a forest near you? It’s called Wild Yam, Dioscorea villosa. Common names include, Devil’s Bones, Colic
This next plant is a native, twining vine that has lovely heart-shaped leaves with palmate (radiating from the center) veins. The leaf is much smaller than another vine with heart-shaped
Last week’s puzzler was perfect for the first day of May since it is called Mayapple, or Podophyllum peltatum. It is also called Indian Apple, Wild Lemon, Raccoon Berry and