Extra Clean Raccoons?
You may have heard some theories on the habits of raccoons, especially regarding their eating habits. There is a widely circulated “fact” that the masked mammals are extra clean, going
You may have heard some theories on the habits of raccoons, especially regarding their eating habits. There is a widely circulated “fact” that the masked mammals are extra clean, going
A pair of raccoons has been showing up in our yard each evening just before sunset. They dig around in the ground under the feeder, likely looking for seeds missed
One of the most memorable songs of 2013 was called What Does the Fox Say…this song must have caused a rise in users typing those words into their search engines,
When I was in my teens I spent a lot of time wandering the wild land around my family’s house in western New York state. Our small ranch home was
1. Bats are NOT BLIND! They have eyes and can see just like you or me. They can navigate in total darkness through echolocation–they send out a high-pitched signal through
I have been lucky enough in my lifetime to have had three bobcat sighting though two of these lasted only seconds. Last year when I was driving on the Blue
Bats play an essential role in our ecosystem, offering free insect control, including damaging agricultural pests, plant pollination and seed dispersal nightly. These days, bats are in trouble. Since 2006 an estimated