Weekly Puzzler Answer #156
Did you have a guess about last week’s puzzler? Have you ever seen this in your garden? Last week’s puzzler was a photo of a Hammerhead Worm, a kind of land
Did you have a guess about last week’s puzzler? Have you ever seen this in your garden? Last week’s puzzler was a photo of a Hammerhead Worm, a kind of land
Hello and happy Saturday! Did you know last week’s insect? It is a Click Beetle. Click beetles get their name from the slight clicking noise they make when righting themselves.
If you’re easily grossed out by insects with gruesome life cycles, this post might not be for you. The insect pictured in last week’s puzzler was a kind of Ichneumon
Check out this striking insect. Have you seen it? Know what it is? I was sitting in my sunroom recently when this insect landed on the hot tub steps. I
Hello and happy weekend! So yes, we’ve been talking a bit about insects. Let’s do another. I found this one the other day when I was in South Carolina at
Did you recognize the odd-looking creature in last week’s puzzler? It is a Cicada exuvia or shed skin. Some insects, like cicadas, go through incomplete or gradual metamorphosis. This means
Happy Saturday to you all! And happy Memorial Day weekend too. I just want to give a shout out –and a big THANK YOU–to all of those people who came