Weekly Puzzler Answer #114
Did you get last week’s puzzler? It was a picture of a critter in water that looks a bit like a walking stick. Have you ever encountered one of these?
Did you get last week’s puzzler? It was a picture of a critter in water that looks a bit like a walking stick. Have you ever encountered one of these?
Let’s do one more aquatic creature before we move on to another topic. Check out this photo below. Do you know what it is? Do you think it’s a male
Last week’s puzzler was a bit tricky because there is another critter who starts its life out in fresh water and looks similar. Several people guessed that it was a
Hello all, and happy weekend! Were you one of the ones who sent in a guess about last week’s puzzler? Have you seen these “balls” on the forest floor and wondered
Did you know the answer to last week’s puzzler about the relationship of ants to aphids? Have you seen these two insects together in your garden and wondered about them?
Last week’s puzzler was about the famous Black Widow spider, asking if females always eat their mates. Did you have a guess? The answer is: NO, Black widow females do
I almost used in honor of Halloween, but chose the bat puzzler instead. But check out this photo of a spider. Do you recognize it? I bet you know it