Weekly Puzzler Answer #54
Most people who heard the singing and looked to find its cause, identified this amphibian as a frog. The sound however is made from an American Toad–Bufo americanus– a creature few
Most people who heard the singing and looked to find its cause, identified this amphibian as a frog. The sound however is made from an American Toad–Bufo americanus– a creature few
A recent post was about spring peepers… can you find the peeper in this photo?
As I stood outside in the rain today, with the soft drops falling gently on my face, I admired the way the forest looked bathed in fog, mysterious and quiet
You may have never seen a spring peeper but you have likely heard their loud, bell-like calls that echo through the forest on warm spring evenings. Here are some things
Here where I live in western North Carolina, it is a warm and sunny day, following several days of rain and cooler temperatures. I took a break at lunch to
Years ago I was living in upstate New York and working at a small nature center in a county park. Part of my job included time outside exploring the trails
Wood frogs are a kind of amphibian, so like all amphibians, have a backbone, are cold-blooded and have an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage followed (typically) by a terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage.