Quote of the Week #16
When I was a child my parents used to hide our entire Easter baskets somewhere around the house, gradually making it harder for my four brothers and I as we
When I was a child my parents used to hide our entire Easter baskets somewhere around the house, gradually making it harder for my four brothers and I as we
Have you ever been in the woods on a rainy day–by choice, not circumstance? With the right mindset and pair of eyes it can be an amazing experience, often inspiring awe
Here’s a story I want to share, followed by the quote of the week. Can you relate to this? Last week one day we had a warm, sunny day and
For this week’s quote, I feel compelled to step outside of the box and share my thoughts, rather than just do as I always do and offer a one or
Success is walking from failure to failure with NO LOSS of enthusiasm. –Winston Churchill
We have had a few rainy days here in a row in western NC–days that I LOVE. But everywhere I go–the grocery store, post office, pharmacy etc– all people can