Quote of the Week #17
I recently took a road trip three hours east to High Point, NC to attend a wedding. Have you ever been in an unfamiliar place? Ever been driving along, on unfamiliar
I recently took a road trip three hours east to High Point, NC to attend a wedding. Have you ever been in an unfamiliar place? Ever been driving along, on unfamiliar
Have you ever been in the woods on a rainy day–by choice, not circumstance? With the right mindset and pair of eyes it can be an amazing experience, often inspiring awe
It is 6:15 pm. I sit on the ground, hidden amid dried reeds beside a pond, looking out at the still water. The vegetation swallows me and the camouflage
Woo hoo, the ruby-throated hummingbirds have returned!!! I spotted a male this morning, stopping at my feeder for a long drink. Seeing them for the first time each spring makes
For this week’s quote, I feel compelled to step outside of the box and share my thoughts, rather than just do as I always do and offer a one or
Success is walking from failure to failure with NO LOSS of enthusiasm. –Winston Churchill