Weekly Puzzler #280: Snake with Three Stripes
Hello friends and happy weekend. I hope you are enjoying fall wherever you are and that you’re making time to be outside and enjoy the season before it passes us
Hello friends and happy weekend. I hope you are enjoying fall wherever you are and that you’re making time to be outside and enjoy the season before it passes us
Were the ping pong-like balls from last week’s puzzler something you could identify? These are the eggs from a snapping turtle and it would be unlikely you’ve ever seen them
Hello friends! Happy holidays. Isn’t it amazing the month of December is nearly over and another year is about to begin? I wish you and your family a happy and
Since we’ve been talking about reptiles for the last two weeks, I thought I would continue the trend and do one more–this time a snake instead of a turtle. Do
The scute and shell in last week’s puzzler is from a common snapping turtle–Chelydra serpentine. Did you recognize it? One of my readers guessed snapping turtle but wondered if the shape
So here’s another photo of a turtle scute for you. You can see that this one not as colorful or as regularly shaped as the one from last week’s puzzler.
First off, happy weekend to you all! And congratulations to Arden whose name was drawn for the free puzzler prize giveaway. I will be doing another contest again in the