Weekly Puzzler #69
Whose wing is this and to what group of insects does it belong? Check back next weekend to see if your guess was correct!
Whose wing is this and to what group of insects does it belong? Check back next weekend to see if your guess was correct!
As the sun cleared the horizon recently, filling the world with light, I was exploring a nearby wild space that I frequent. In this place time stops and drama is
Hello and happy weekend! For those who were at my Little Wonders program last night, this now is an easy one, right? The only animal on earth with ONE ear
So the spider pictured has only 7 legs, even though spiders have 8 legs. This guy has obviously lost one–who knows how–but thankfully, spiders can regrow lost legs. The next
Ladybugs are one of the most recognizable insects and one that doesn’t usually provoke fear. Some states even have a ladybug species as their state insect. Do you know everything there
Why does it look like this spider has boxing gloves on? And how many legs does it have? Click HERE to see if you are right!
The creature pictured in last week’s puzzler is the larva of a LADYBUG! Also called Ladybird Beetles, these insects are common and probably everyone has heard of and can recognize