A female eastern Hercules beetle Dogbane Beetle on Milkweed A reddish-brown stag beetle A Seventeen Year Cicada Transformation A Common Thread-Waisted Wasp Another say's mantidfly A brown wasp mantidfly Dew on a Ladybug A mole cricket Side view of a stag beetle An eastern dobsonfly with a moth Check out this male dobsonfly! A female eastern dobsonfly An Iridescent Fly in my Lily A southern masked chafer beetle This is an American rose chafer beetle. A swamp cicada Check out the eyes on this swamp cicada. Here's a field cricket, female. Here's a margined shining leaf chafer beetle. Here's a reddish-brown stag beetle. This is a giant ichneumonid wasp A giant mayfly A Praying Mantis A Snail A Katydid on a Red Leaf A Katydid in the Grass Roesel's Katydid A Wasp on a Dewy Leaf A Stick Insect A Hiding Katydid A Tiger Beetle A Millipede Warrior Pose An Ichnumen Wasp A Bug on a Milkweed Leaf A Blue Ghost firefly A Shield-back Bug Insect Eggs A Milkweed Bug An Assassin Bug Nymph Bugs Hatching An Assassin Bug Praying Mantis in Goldenrod Dew on a Fly