Weekly Puzzler Answer 291
You know, I’ve seen these marks on some of the beech trees along my driveway now for some time, but it wasn’t until recently that I decided they were from
You know, I’ve seen these marks on some of the beech trees along my driveway now for some time, but it wasn’t until recently that I decided they were from
Greetings friends, and happy Wednesday to you! This post goes out especially to my friends Renee and Rich who share my love of trail cameras. One thing that brings me
Hello, and happy Earth Day! During my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, I witnessed an emergence of the periodical cicada while camped in the woods of North Carolina. Here is
Native Americans in the Blackfoot Confederacy called this fungus “ka-ka-toos” which means fallen stars and believed them to be indicators of supernatural events. When you find one or more on
Hello and happy weekend! Where I live it is a gorgeous rainy day with all of the trees in “my” forest dressed in their brand new leaves, the ground covered
I was pleased to hear from a handful of people last week who knew the identity of last week’s puzzler. These are the seeds from a tulip poplar tree (Liriodendron
Hey, if you’re local to western NC, I’m going to be speaking about fireflies today at Wild Birds Unlimited in South Asheville at 3:30. I’d love to see you if