I am always struck by how dead the world seems in winter. The leaf-covered ground and towering trees have no green, no signs of life. And then! Spring rolls around and to the careful observer, things start happening: Green shoots poke out from beneath the leaves, buds silently open, birds begin singing their dawn chorus. A month later the forest is transformed. Hope keeps us going even when the world seems bleak and empty. Spring reminds us that change is always possible.

I’ve been struggling lately. Lots of reasons contribute to this, but one is larger than the rest. I’m dismayed, horrified, saddened, embarrassed by all that is happening in our country that I can’t control. Perhaps you too have been feeling this. I want to share with you two things: a song, and a few quotes.

Cory Booker said, “Don’t let your inability to do everything undermine your determination to do something.” This really hit me because I do feel like sometimes everything seems so overwhelming that it’s impossible to focus on one thing. And take a step forward. And so I do nothing, paralyzed. But his point is such a great one, now and always. Just because I can’t change the world doesn’t mean I shouldn’t change myself or take actions to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Senator Booker says, “No matter what, we always have the power to choose hope over despair, engagement over apathy, kindness over indifference, enthusiasm over lethargy, love over hate. This is our true freedom. Whatever life may throw at us, we have the freedom and ability to choose our attitude. And I believe it is in those moments of choice that we manifest our destiny.”
He also inspires me to always be kind. Everyday we have the power to make a difference in someone else’s life. We may never know how our actions impacted another person, but that shouldn’t stop us from making the effort. Senator Booker says, “Remember that the biggest thing you could do today is a small act of kindness…Never let your soul be silenced. Live life out loud. Every day tell your truth not with words but with actions from your heart…Go out there and swear to this world your oath, not with your words, but with what you do. Not with your hand over your heart, but with your hand outstretched to a world that desperately needs your hand, your help, your insights, your creativity, your honor, your courage. It needs you.”
And the song, special thanks to my friend Robin. It reminds us that even in the darkest of days, a time will come when we’ll be happy again, when the flowers will bloom and the sun will shine and we can smile. And be joyful.
It’s called The Time For Flowers, by Emily Scott Robinson. I believe she wrote it during the pandemic, but it seems just as relevant now. A few weeks ago I helped my friend Kim plant a 7.5 acre wildflower meadow on her property–a meadow we all can’t wait to see in full bloom, bursting with color and the gossamer wings of insects lit by the sunshine… it may be a while, but I’ll take pictures.
Happy Spring Friends! Thanks for being here with me.