Hi Friends,
Happy December! Hard to believe another month is gone, another year in the books. I’m going to republish an old post, with a few changes. This post was originally published a few years ago but it always relevant.

December is flying by at its usual alarming rate and as I sit here at my desk looking outside into the woods, I am struck by the absolute calmness that is there. There is a giant beech tree in front of me, with a handful of fawn-colored leaves still hanging onto many of the lower branches but not one of them is moving. There is no breeze and no indication whatsoever of the hustle and bustle that is surely happening just a few miles down the road. People everywhere are likely preparing for the holiday, making cookies, shopping, sending packages, decorating the house–all those things that we tend to do every year to make the holiday special.
So before the month is gone and we enter a new year, let me just suggest a few things:
Nature has no need to rush anything.
Let’s take a lesson from this and adopt an attitude of patience, especially during the holiday. Everywhere you look there are lots of people rushing around and trying to conquer their endless lists. When we find ourselves in a situation where we are not making the progress we expected–like in line at the post office or grocery store– let’s remember Mother Nature and the way the natural world just lets things happen, as they will, in whatever speed is appropriate. It’s okay if it takes five minutes longer. I always like to say when something not so great happens in my day, “If that’s the worst thing that happens today, then I’m in luck!”
Bring joy to the lives of others. No matter what, remember a little kindness goes a long way and that for many people the holiday is a challenging, lonely or sad time. You can make a difference just by giving away kindness.
One of my favorite birds is the Carolina Wren for a number of reasons, one of which is how the male belts out his melodious tune in such a way that shocks me every time that such a small bird can make such a BIG sound. One sang a few notes recently, stopping me in my tracks and making my heart smile with joy. We can do that too!
You never know what burdens people are carrying. This may be the first holiday without a loved one by their side. They may be dealing with a new diagnosis or health crisis. They may be without a job, or struggling to make ends meet. Everyone has a story. A smile, kind gesture, compliment, genuine conversation, thoughtful note or generous tip may change someone’s day.
Giving away kindness is free and easy! Sprinkle it like glitter everywhere you go!

Don’t forget that YOU ARE ENOUGH just the way you are. You matter. You are loved. Read that again. You are enough. You matter. You are loved.
It’s very easy to forget all of that as we get caught up in other things. Sometimes we feel like we haven’t accomplished what we need to, we haven’t done as well as we “should” have, we aren’t all we want to be. But never forget those three short sentences because they are important.
Count your blessings and take time to be grateful.
For many years I lived adjacent to a large wetland in eastern New York State and spent hours exploring the frozen river during winter. One thing that always made me smile was that when I found coyote tracks, there were almost always two sets of them, running or walking along, side by side. When I picture them, I smile, thinking of the pair moving together, soundlessly, through the dark night. We all probably have people in our lives like that–people who are part of our story, sharing our triumphs and our tragedies. Let’s remember to thank them and to recognize the many ways we are blessed. Instead of looking negatively at things, try reframing it. I like to think each morning of all the things I “get to do today.” I get to easily step outside and be in the woods. I get to enjoy a bowl of yummy ice cream. I get to snuggle with my cats, dog, husband. I get to read a book by the fire… These simple joys don’t have to cost anything, and recognizing your blessings can go a long way to making your days meaningful.

Give the gift of your time. This season is so materialistic, with commercial after commercial suggesting the “perfect” gift for our loved ones. (Some ideas for meaningful gifts.)
We need to realize the only “perfect” gift is the gift of our TIME.
Take time to call an old friend, visit someone you haven’t seen in a long time, make cookies for your neighbor, call your Mom, take your dog for a walk, play with your cat. There is so much we can do to make the holiday brighter for someone else and it does’t require any money, just kindness and time. There really is no perfect gift out there– instead of searching through stores, give an arboretum membership, a gift card to enjoy a meal, a promised trip together, a hike, etc. Time together is the best thing you can give anyone on your list. (Here are some ideas)

And lastly, There is so much beauty in our world.
Sometimes it is easy to get so caught up in our own schedules and lists and all of the commercialism of the holiday that we don’t take a moment to just stop and DO NOTHING…. look out the window and appreciate the birds gathered on the feeder or notice the artful way the leaves decorate the gray branches or the way the leafless treetops reveal squirrel nests built with purpose. Let’s remember to stop long enough to NOTICE the beauty that is there, everyday, if only we pay attention to it.