(8 minute read, References at the end)
Contains references to violence against animals. A hard read, but worth knowing.
Did you know pig Mamas sing to their babies when it’s meal time, and have the intelligence of a four-year-old? When content, turkeys purr and enjoy snuggling, just like cats. Like people, cows have best friends that they seek out for comfort and company. They get “the zoomies,” just like dogs when they are happy and love a good belly rub. Cows can think critically and solve problems to achieve rewards. These animals grieve the deaths of animals raised with them, mourning the loss for days. Just like my dog and cats have unique personalities, so do these animals, whether we want to believe it or not. Raise chickens? Then you know that they are individuals with unique traits, just like our beloved pets.
I have claimed to be an animal lover my entire life. I am passionate about being the voice for those who have none. As a child, and now as an adult, animals fascinate me and I love every opportunity to get close to them. I love learning about their unique adaptations. Spend any time around a dog or cat and it’s easy to see that each animal is an individual, capable of having unique personalities and characteristics. When my cat Hobbes seeks me out to snuggle or when my dog Schroeder goes crazy with tail wags when I arrive home, it’s obvious these fellow earthlings are sentient beings, just like humans. They can experience joy, grief, pain, and other emotions. Many of my fellow humans do not agree with this belief, arguing that people are superior to all other animals, and that because we are unique in our ability to feel and express emotions, we can exploit and mistreat animals, guilt-free.
There’s a saying you’ve likely heard that claims, “ignorance is bliss,” and though I spent the first 50 years of my life adhering to this principle, I no longer can support a system that so blatantly goes against everything I believe. Like most people, I had chosen to remain in the dark about where my food comes from. People say, “No! Don’t tell me because I don’t want to be turned off to my food.” It’s easier to follow the crowd and accept the paradigm most of us follow our entire lives, then to ask questions and rebel against the norm.
However, because of a handful of comments in recent years from people I love, or admire, (including Jane Goodall, David Attenborough, and Greta Thunberg), as well as time spent watching documentaries and reading a handful of books (listed below) by researchers, and authors on this subject,
I became aware —and horrified—to realize that my values were not in alignment with my actions.
For how can I profess to be an animal lover if I turn a blind eye to abuse and torture that happens behind closed doors every day to millions of animals? If I support the cruelty that exists so I can have a piece of bacon or fried chicken, or turkey on Thanksgiving?
What kind of animal lover am I if I treat my two cats and dog like members of my family, but act like cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys are somehow different and don’t need to be treated with kindness?
How can I think that they are raised and killed humanely? Because look, how can the word humane ever be tied to the death of a sentient being who does not want to die any more than I, my dog, or my cat wants to die?
In the past, I figured these animals had “good” lives before they were sent off to slaughter, but learned nothing could be farther from the truth. Even when I was buying organic, “humanely raised,” or grass-fed, the animals still suffer and experience pain and terror, especially when it comes time for slaughter. Did you know most of the meat we consume comes from baby animals? These animals are killed before they’ve lived even a fraction of what would be possible outside of their tragic life of confinement.
Cows can live 25-30 years but are sent to slaughter at 18-24 months.
Pigs can live 15-20 years but are sent to slaughter when they are around 5 to 6 months old.
Most chickens are slaughtered at just 40 days old even though they can live 5-10 years.
We never know that we’re consuming baby animals, because of course we never call it that since that would surely turn off some people to meat. We humans are fabulous at using fancy words to disguise what something is so it sounds more appealing— veal, calamari, and filet mignon, foie gras…
Why do we jail people for organizing dogfighting when every day far worse goes on behind the closed doors of slaughter houses? Animals getting “processed” while they’re still alive. Workers torturing animals for fun because there’s no oversight, no rules governing the behavior of workers. The USDA does not monitor what goes on in these places because when it’s a corporation, it’s okay, totally acceptable.

I am not okay with chopping pig or cow tails off, or clipping chicken beaks without anesthesia. I am not okay with chickens being ground up alive– though of course the industry calls it maceration, thinking we’re too stupid to understand what that means. What it means is that living male baby chicks are sent down a conveyer belt until the end when they are chopped alive into thousands of pieces, or put to death in gas chambers. (Don’t believe me? Here’s a video, which I recommend against watching if you want to continue to go on eating eggs or chickens, or raising chickens in your backyard since this “need” only supports this cruel industry practice.) Every hour, 30,000 freshly hatched male chicks suffer unimaginably cruel deaths due to the lack of protections and regulations around the methods of slaughter for poultry in the United States. I am not okay with caging pigs in gestation crates that don’t even allow them to turn around, separating Mamas from their babies. I am not okay with weak or slow growing piglets being held by their back legs and slammed into the floor or wall to kill them, a practice with an actual name—called ‘thumping.’ If I was walking down the road and saw someone cutting off a dog’s tail, or whacking a cat against a brick wall, wouldn’t I stop and rebel against such behavior? But why then do I allow, and support with my dollars these horrific practices every single day to thousands of animals behind the closed doors of a slaughter house or dairy farm, or in the nets of ships in lakes and oceans?
Horrified by the treatment of animals just so I can eat beef, chicken, pork and fish, and “enjoy” a 15 minute meal, I became vegetarian more than a year ago.
Jane Goodall says, “Meat symbolizes fear, pain and death, so I stopped eating it.”
I did too, happy with my decision, feeling joyful that I had stepped out of the cycle of death that is totally accepted when I buy and eat meat. My body is no longer a tomb for tortured animals. When asked if I was going to take it one step further and become vegan, I said “Never! I could never give up cheese or ice cream!” I thought that it was enough to stop consuming beef, pork, chicken, fish and other animals, and that I didn’t need to take the extra step and also give up those products that come from animals. I believed that since the animal’s death isn’t required to get those products, that it was fine to consume them. I admit being baffled as to why anyone would stop eating products that didn’t require death of the animal.
Obviously I hadn’t ever bothered to investigate how the dairy industry works, a fact I am deeply ashamed of now.
I’ve since learned about the cruelty involved in the dairy industry. Ice cream and cheese is suddenly not so appealing. I can’t imagine a worse fate than being a dairy cow–it is nothing short of modern-day slavery, a practice so horrific it seems like a horror movie, except it’s happening everyday, behind closed doors. If we had to see it live in order to get our glass of milk or our bowl of ice cream, I guarantee very few of us could ignore the cruelty inflicted on these cows every single day of their lives. We would all be running the other way!
Like humans, and all mammals, female cows produce milk only after they have given birth, and then, only for a limited amount of time, (around ten months) not indefinitely, as some people mistakenly believe. Just as our milk is intended for us to feed our babies, so is a cow’s milk designed by Mother Nature for them to feed and nourish their babies.

But in the dairy industry, this is how it works: After a gestation of nine months, female cows give birth and produce milk. Usually within 24 hours after Mama cows give birth, their babies are forcibly removed from them. Even though we’re not there to see and hear it, rest assured that these Mamas cry for their babies, sometimes for days, the anguish in their voices and body language very clear that they are suffering. And the babies cry too, wanting to be with their Mothers. And why wouldn’t they? Mamas carried that baby inside them for 9 months! Of course they cry for their lost babies. What Mother wouldn’t?
And then, if that wasn’t bad enough, we take their milk from them several times each day. And for what? So humans can “enjoy” it. Dairy cows have been bred to produce unnatural amounts of milk to the extent that they are sometimes so heavy they can’t even stand up without chains holding their legs together, or machines holding them up.
Male cow babies are either killed immediately since they are of no use for dairy, or are sent to farms where they will be raised for veal. Veal exists because of the dairy industry. Often confined to tiny boxes in which they are unable to turn around, and sometimes even chained by their necks to prevent movement—and thus muscles— these baby male cows are fed a low-iron diet designed to “keep their flesh supple.” They are slaughtered for consumption when they are around 20-24 WEEKS old so humans can “enjoy” veal.
The female adult cows are milked repeatedly multiple times each day until their milk runs out, at which point, they are forced again to become pregnant. Called “artificial insemination” this practice happens against their will since what animal would willingly get pregnant, only to have to have her baby stolen again, and again? Cows are put in what some farmers call a “rape rack” which holds the cow in place. And the cycle continues. Imagine this horror happening again and again, the Mama cows never getting to be with the babies they brought into this world. Any Mother, or female on Earth should be able to imagine this horror and see the evil in this practice. How can we call ourselves civilized, when this is how we treat our fellow earthlings? Is it okay because we are smarter, because we can claim to be sentient and wrongly say they aren’t? Is it okay because it happens behind closed doors, or because “this is how it’s always been done?”
Female baby cows are sent off to giant feed lots where they are fed artificial milk brimming with antibiotics and other medicines, which they drink from machines or bottles until they are old enough to be impregnated and forcibly milked for all of their days, just like their Mothers. They never know their Mother’s love, or get to drink their Mother’s milk. When the female calves are around 15 months old, they will begin the process of forced impregnation. All so we humans can steal their milk, in order to make cheese, yogurt, ice cream and other products. After being milked and pregnant for 3-4 years, these females are “spent,” and sent to slaughter.
From The Independent, “Ethical farming of animals is a seductive fantasy. The inherent practices of the dairy industry are brutal and profit driven. Some farms are particularly bad and some are absolutely horrific, but it’s important to understand that maintaining a profitable dairy herd is itself an unethical pursuit. It’s not possible to sell ethical milk.”
How can I claim to be an animal lover if I turn a blind eye to all of this? If I support these terrible and painful practices in the name of getting to “enjoy” ice cream or cheese? Watching a man drag away a newborn cow, or seeing a Mama cow chase the trailer full of baby cows not even two days old was enough for me to make everything dairy lose its appeal. Thankfully there are ways to make ice cream that don’t require stealing cow’s milk that’s intended for baby cows, not humans. And there are plenty of plant foods that provide calcium and protein– cow’s milk and its related products are not required for good health, as I’ve learned from a book called The China Study.
After learning how the dairy industry works, it was very easy for me to stop consuming these products. Is it convenient? No. Is it always easy? No.
But I have never been prouder of myself. I have never felt more free, and happy to be out of the cycle of death and torture that happens behind closed doors every single day. I can’t save all of the animals, but can stop supporting cruelty with my dollars and my actions.
Since adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet, I have learned that our insatiable appetite for animal meat is a major contributing factor to global warming, widespread pollution, deforestation, land degradation, water scarcity and species extinction. (Read more here about how to take action against climate change.)
People often say of vegans, “Wow, isn’t that a bit extreme?” Now I see the fallacy of that statement, how ridiculous it is to claim vegans are extreme– because,
You know what’s extreme? Killing 220 MILLION land animals EVERY DAY for food!
This doesn’t even count the marine animals!
2.4-6.3 BILLION marine animals are killed every day. Every. Single. Day. It is estimated that the food industry kills at least 1.2 quadrillion animals every year. How do we think this is sustainable, that this insatiable appetite for animals like octopus, shrimp, lobster and fish is not going to have negative impacts? What about the wild animals who share the ocean with these earthlings? How can we think what we are doing isn’t going to cause irreversible problems?
Ed Winters, an activist and author remarks about the irony of people hating vegans so strongly: “This seems strange considering almost everyone is against animal cruelty; it doesn’t therefore make sense that one of the most reviled groups of people in society is the one that is actively trying to reduce the amount of cruelty caused to animals.”
You know what a vegan is?
“A vegan is a person who has the crazy idea that animals should be free.”
“A vegan is a person who refuses to let their body be a tomb for other beings.”
“Veganism is not a diet, it’s a moral stance.”
“Veganism is not a restriction, it’s a liberation.”
“Veganism is not about us, it’s about animals.”
“Veganism is not a sacrifice. It’s a basic decency.”
“Going vegan isn’t about giving up anything. It’s about no longer taking what was never yours to begin with.”
“Veganism…rejects the human supremacist mentality that identifies other animals as objects, considering it justifiable to use them as resources and exploit them for human benefit.” — Arts_councilvisual
“If we can live well without killing and harming other animals, why wouldn’t we?”—Gene Baur, founder of the first Farm Sanctuary, in Watkins Glen, NY
As Greta Thornburg said in her famous speech, “You are never too small to make a difference.” And in my opinion, never too old either.
My actions now align with my beliefs. I can proudly say, I’m vegan. I’m an animal lover. I don’t just say I love animals and the earth, I’m actually choosing to make changes and I’m choosing to stop supporting animal cruelty with my dollars and my actions.
My only regret is not doing it sooner.
Here are some frequently asked questions about being vegan, should you be interested.
- The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health by T. Colin Campbell. (This is a fat book! You can read a summary here)
- Whole by T. Colin Campbell
- How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Dr. Michael Greger
- This is Vegan Propaganda, by Ed Winters
- 72 Reasons to Be Vegan: Why Plant-Based, Why Now by Gene Stone
- Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically by Peter Singer
- Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows by Dr. Melanie Joy
- What the Health
- Forks Over Knives
- Cowspiracy:The Sustainability Secret
- The Game Changers
- Seaspiracy
- Earthlings
- Eating Our Way to Extinction
- Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story
- Dominion
- You Are What You Eat, A Twin Experiment
- I Could Never Go Vegan
- Lucent
- 73 Cows
- Milked
November is World Vegan Month. Happy World Vegan Month!
If you want to talk to me about this, or learn more about how I became vegan, please get in touch. I’d love to help you in whatever way I can to begin your transformation to a Whole Foods, plant based diet.
Another great article. Sharon!!!! This topic is rarely in the news & it is so important! After I read, “Diet for a Small Planet”, I was shocked about the meat industry & how much it effects out environment. This was when I was in college, many years ago. The recipes included in the book were delicious & money saving as well!!!
Thank you, Rose. I was nervous to publish this because it’s not something most people want to hear. Thanks for the feedback. I have discovered MANY, many great and delicious Whole Foods, plant based recipes.
Wow! Welcome aboard Sharon to quilt free eating! Having been a vegetarian for over 45 years (loved Diet For a Small Planet), I remain happy with my choices. Your article was a great reminder of the many reasons to embrace this. Climate change is another. Love the quote about one giving up nothing because it was not ours to take in the first place. Saw that in a Charlotte restaurant that had another one that read, “Our food does not scream”. On the silhouette of a cow, “Not your Mama, not your milk”. Thanks to the Hop, we can get all sorts of frozen dessert that are plant based. It’s an interesting journey! Enjoy
Hey Arden, thanks for the note and for taking time to read the long post. I love the Hop! I went recently to sample paw paw ice cream made from my friend Kim’s paw paws and was thrilled to see 9 vegan flavors, including the paw paw!! I love the quote about “our food does not scream,” and I have a sweatshirt with the quote about not your Mama, not your milk. I wish more people could see the truth and horror in this, but it’s a hard, uphill battle. Glad to be finding some fellow earthlings who are on my page about this. Thank you.