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On This Friday, A Reminder…

Hey friends! 

I just wanted to remind you how much is happening every day, outside. There is so much to see and witness, if you make the time to step away from your phones, and allow yourself to be swallowed by the moment.

As you know, the world is filled with depressing news on a daily basis, and though being outside won’t take that away, it will give you a few minutes of relief–a welcome respite that your body and soul needs. Humans aren’t meant to be ON every moment, connected at every second to things happening in every corner of the world. We need time to unplug, to immerse ourselves in the moment and do nothing but BE. Look. Listen. Smell. Feel. Touch. Mother Nature offers free therapy daily but sometimes it’s easy to forget to take advantage of it. There are birds raising babies, butterflies emerging from chrysalids, bees gathering pollen for their growing brood…the list is endless!

This is your reminder to make time to get outside!! 

Here are some photos from a recent morning that I spent crawling around an unnamed field, searching for tiny spots of beauty. 

A long-legged fly
A photuris firefly in the grass.
A traverse-banded flower fly on black-eyed Susan
A least skipper in the grass.
A new species for me! A slender spreadwing damselfly
A six-spotted fishing spider at the pond.
A fragile forktail damselfy in the grass.
An autumn meadowhawk dragonfly.

May you be lucky enough to find some beauty too. Happy day! I hope it’s a great one.

2 thoughts on “On This Friday, A Reminder…

  1. Helen Kloock says:

    What you write is so very, very true. Thank you for the reminder and the beautiful photographs!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Thank you Helen. I appreciate your taking the time to comment. Hope it’s a week filled with beautiful things.

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