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Weekly Puzzler #295: Mini Clay Pots

Hello! And happy last-weekend-in-May. 

Today’s puzzler is a handful of tiny pots I have found on vegetation and even an umbrella through the years. These pots looked perfectly formed, as if you just stepped into a miniature world. 

Check them out! 

These mini pots are perfectly formed!
I found these two pots on my deck umbrella.
This one had some damage to the bottom.
Two pots in the vegetation.

Do you know how they got there, or who made them? 

As always, I’d love to hear from you. Please use the comment box below the post if you want to get your name entered in my quarterly drawing. You don’t have to be correct, but you do have to use the comment box, and be a blog subscriber. Every time you make a guess, I’ll add your name to the hat. Then on the first day of summer, I’ll pull out one winner and send that person one of my sampler packs of 5 greeting cards. 

Hope to hear from you today! 

Click here for the answer.

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