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Weekly Puzzler #283: Prickly, Four-Sided Bur That Opens to Reveal a Triangular Secret

Hello friends! Happy weekend. I’m switching tracks for my puzzler subject, moving on from snakes to something that is EVERYWHERE in my yard, and in many forests in western NC and beyond. I took all of these photos in my wooded yard, but these can be seen anywhere on the east coast. These small sharp burs are green at first, and closed together tightly. As they ripen, the four triangular husks burst open to reveal one or two small surprises that many, many, many animals love. Here are a few photos:

Do you recognize this four-sided, prickly object?
These are green at first…
Then gradually turn brown and open up
These small objects are prickly, with lots of sharp points on the outside.
The open up to reveal a surprise!
Do these look familiar?
The forest floor in some areas is COVERED with these sharp objects.

I’d love to hear from you. And I’d love for you to get your name in my quarterly drawing for a chance to win one of my greeting card sampler packs. All you have to do to get your name entered in the drawing is 1. use the reply box below the post to give a guess about the identity of the puzzler. You don’t have to be right! But you do have to get your guess in by the end of the weekend. and 2. Follow me on instagram. That’s it! On or near the first day of winter I’ll pick a winner and send that person a sampler pack of my cards. 

Click here for Answer 283.

Hope to hear from you soon! 

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