Hello friends! Happy weekend. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight.
Ready for another puzzler? Thanks to so many of you who are guessing the puzzlers and participating in the quarterly drawing to win a packet of my greeting cards.
This week’s puzzler is a large bodied snake, black, with yellow, or pale colored bands all the way down its body. Here are some photos.
Do you recognize it?

If you want to have your name entered in the quarterly drawing, use the comment box below to give your guess to the puzzler. You don’t have to be right! But you do have to get your guess in before the end of the weekend. Also, follow me on Instagram. And that’s it! I’ll put your name in the drawing and let you know if you win, then will send you a sampler pack of my greeting cards. Hope to hear from you soon!
king snake
Hey Paula, yes, it is an eastern king snake. No surprise that Merlin would love snakes!! We need more people on Merlin’s page.
Is it some type of king snake? Merlin thought it was a California king snake. He loves snakes!
I’ve. Ever seen one
One time when we were together we saw one, but it was just a quick look.
Eastern King Snake I know that they eat poisonous snakes I saw in my backyard about five years ago and he was beautiful!
Hey Judy, you are correct! Thanks for taking time to write and follow along with the blog posts, and puzzlers.