Hey before I get started on the puzzler, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to all of my subscribers who have been following along with me. I appreciate you!
If you’ve been with me any length of time you might remember that way back when I used to give a prize each quarter for a drawing I did around the weekly puzzler. I stopped doing this because of a lack of response, but have decided to start it up again as it seems like I’ve been getting some more involvement in the puzzlers.
So here’s how to play: For every puzzler I do between now, (the first day of fall,Woo hoo, it’s fall!! ) and the first day of winter, I will add your name to “the hat” to be eligible for the prize if you do two things: 1. use the reply box below the puzzler to give a guess for the puzzler by the end of the weekend. You do not have to be correct to get your name in the drawing, you just have to try. (But you cannot write to me with your guess to my email account– you must use the reply box below the puzzler) and 2. Follow me on my Instagram.
If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, you can click the follow button and then send me a comment under one of my photos telling me your first name and that you’re wanting to be part of the puzzler pool. That’s it. I will add names every week and then on or near the first day of winter, will pull one name randomly from “the hat.” That person will be awarded one of my 5 pack of greeting cards sampler packs. (Retail value of $25) I will send this to you, free of charge, as a token of my appreciation for being a loyal subscriber to my blog posts and instagram.
Every once in a while if it’s a really hard puzzler, I may offer bonus points if you get it correct. I’ll always tell you when I’m doing this.
Okay, I hope you’ll participate in this fun giveaway!
Thought since last week’s puzzler, #275 featured some red berries, I would stick with the theme and do another puzzler with guess what? Red berries! These can be found in the woods right now, usually in little bunches at the top of the plant.
So, I want to show you a photo of two different plants, though each of them have 5 leaflets. See if you recognize either of them. One was featured as a puzzler a long time ago, as weekly puzzler #161. The other plant we’ve never featured. It is native to North America and grows in rich forests; I saw it recently on a hike on one of my favorite parks in western NC. The plant on the left, with five leaves, was featured as puzzler #161. The plant on the right, with two sets of five leaves, the middle ones being the smallest, belong to this week’s puzzler.
These photos were taken in Pisgah National Park. See if you recognize this plant:

Here’s what it will look like in late summer:
One more:

Do you recognize this plant? Ever seen it while hiking in the forest?
If you have a guess and want to get your name in the hat to be eligible for a sampler pack of my greeting cards, just use the comment box below the post to offer your guess. You don’t have to be correct! You just have to try. And you have to get your guess in by the end of the weekend. I’ll reply back to you after the weekend.
Click here to see the answer to this week’s puzzler!
Hope to hear from you soon!
My guess is the Virginia Creeper. 🤔