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Weekly Puzzler #266: Mostly Uniform Holes in Leaves

Happy weekend all! Where I live it’s been a rainy one, but as I may have told you a time or two, rainy days make me happy. Unless I’m caught without a proper rain coat and hat in which case I might be wet and cold and wanting the rain to stop. How about you, do you enjoy rainy days? 

Perhaps you’ve been walking in the woods or even in your garden and noticed holes in some of the leaves, in rows sometimes at regular intervals and wondered what on earth could have made those holes. They’re not like when a caterpillar is feeding, with the hole getting bigger and bigger as it eats more and more. These holes are often in rows, and roughly the same size. Sometimes there are several rows next to each other.

Check out these photos. 

Very uniform holes in two rows. What made these?
Holes in magnolia leaves.
Who is responsible for these holes?

Do you know what made these holes? If you’d like to guess feel free to use the reply box below the post. Then check back next week to see if your guess was correct. Hope to hear from you and have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Click here to see the answer to this week’s puzzler!

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