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After Dark: What’s That Sound?

Right now if you live anywhere near a forest, and open your windows, or step outside after dark, you’re probably going to hear a deafening racket coming from the trees. Most people attribute this sound to cicadas, but that is incorrect. The sounds we’re hearing right now are at night are katydids, and maybe some crickets thrown in, though those tend to be drown out by the louder call of the katydids. 

A katydid has awesome camouflage.
This is a cicada. They are very different than katydids and generally make their songs during the day.
A katydid on a leaf. This is a female, notice her ovipositor at the end of her abdomen. She uses this to deposit her eggs in a plant stem or the soil. 

Katydids are a kind of insect that is related to grasshoppers and crickets. There are about 250 different kinds of katydids in North America but even so, you may have never seen one. Guess why? Because they are mostly green, with excellent camouflage. During the day these large insects hang out on leaves, branches and other green places, disappearing perfectly. 

A katydid on a leaf

Katydids have their hearing organs on their front legs. And guess how they make their distinctive songs? By rubbing their wings together. Here’s a link to a katydid calling at night. See if you recognize this sound. Are you hearing this at your house right now?


9 thoughts on “After Dark: What’s That Sound?

  1. The “Bee or Fly” post is spectacular!!!!! I Learned so much and forwarded it to my friend Sara who now has fallen under your spell…:):):)

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Bea, thanks for letting me know! I’m glad you like the post. Thanks for sharing it with your friend.

  2. Thank you! I’ve been wondering who was leading the nighttime chorus. The volume and pulse of it are not to be ignored.

  3. It’s been a while since I have caught up on your wonderful, posts, Sharon! This one was a great one, and that video of the katydid was fabulous. 🙂

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