I know I’ve done numerous posts about the importance of keeping your hummingbird feeders free from mold. I’ve mentioned before about how dangerous the mold is to the tiny birds, how it can make their tongues swell up and basically cause them to starve to death. But I don’t think I’ve ever shared the secret to keeping the feeders clean in the first place.
Keeping your hummingbird feeders clean is important.
It’s not rocket science! The secret to keeping your hummingbird feeders clean and mold-free is to wash and fill them every couple of days. That’s it. Around my house I have 10 hummingbird feeders. What a chore it would be to have to soak these in bleach every time I need to fill them.
The secret really is to NOT let the mold get started in the first place and this is really easy to do if you bring your feeders in to rinse and fill them every other day.
Hummingbirds are fun to watch!
I bring them in, open them up, give them a good rinse and then fill them back up. I may use an old toothbrush in the holes if I see even the tiniest sign of mold, or if they’re starting to feel slimy. This takes less than 5 minutes. And I don’t usually the feeders all the way to the brim, as I know I’ll be bringing them in again in a day, or at most, two days.
By doing this, the mold never gets started. It’s that easy. Happy Hummingbird watching!