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Can You Spot the Lie? Bald Eagles

Do you live somewhere that bald eagles can be regularly seen? Have you traveled somewhere that they live? Wouldn’t you love to fly like an eagle, just for one day, to see what it’s like to be high above the earth?

A bald eagle above the Snake River in Wyoming at sunrise.

I recently spent some time doing a solo backpacking trip in Wyoming at Grand Teton National Park on a beautiful trail called the Teton Crest Trail. This trail truly has it all– jagged peaks, amazing campsites, roaring rivers, clear, lakes, ancient glaciers, lots of wildlife including brown and black bears, and plenty of wide open spaces. It was easy to see why so much has been written about this 40 mile trail. (I will write more about this in a future post.)

The Teton Crest Trail in Grand Teton National Park.
The characteristic white head of the bald eagle can be seen from far away.
A bald eagle in a pine tree with two ravens to keep him company.

Bald eagles were just one of the animals I got to see while in Wyoming and since I haven’t done a Can You Spot the Lie post in a while, I thought I would feature one of our most famous and recognizable birds in all of North America. What do you know about bald eagles? 

An eagle snags a fish.

A few facts first, just to get you on the right page. Did you know bald eagles can reach speeds of up to 100 mph when they are in a dive? Or that they build the largest nest of any North American Bird– their nests can weigh A TON! and be more than 13 feet deep and 8 feet across? Talk about a giant nest! They usually prefer conifer trees but will use deciduous trees too if that’s what’s available in their territory. If they’ve had success, nesting pairs will return to the same spot, adding new layers each year.

A bald eagle nest can be HUGE!

Can you spot the lie? See if you can figure out which one of these sentences is the lie.

Bald eagles:

  • Take 1 year to get their characteristic white head
  • Have a 7 foot wingspan
  • Can reach heights of over 10,000 feet

Do you know which of the above “facts” is not really a fact at all, but a lie? Click here to see if you are correct.

A bald eagle flies over Katahdin in Maine, at the end of the Appalachian Trail.

2 thoughts on “Can You Spot the Lie? Bald Eagles

  1. I have been blessed to see bald eagles while camping out west. However, my most recent siting was in a tree across the French Broad River. I was sitting and enjoying the river with a friend on the Biltmore property and two were perched across the way. Stayed a good length of time, flew down the river, came back and perched some more. Such a treat!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Arden, seeing one here along the French Broad really is a treat! Lucky you!! I have seen one here only a handful of times. Enjoy your gorgeous Friday! Thanks for sharing.

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