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Weekly Puzzler #251: Looks Like Part of the Plants, But Is Really Something Else

So since I just did a post about Mother Nature’s mimics, I thought I would feature a mimic for today’s puzzler. Check out these photos below. This “leaf” can be green or brown and is connected to the nearby branch with a thin piece of silk. Know what it is? Ever seen one like it before? 

It can be green…or brown.

Starting with today’s puzzler, I’m going to be collecting all the correct responses from the comment box below and putting them into a hat for a drawing. To get your name in the drawing you have to 1. be a blog subscriber (fill in the box on the top right of the blog page that says subscribe.  If you already get an email whenever I publish a new post, you ARE already a blog subscriber.) 2. Answer a puzzler correctly before midnight on the day the post was published, using the reply box below the post. That’s it! 

If you answer every puzzler correctly from now until December 1st, you will be entered every time you are correct! I do this four times per year, usually on the first day of each season, but since autumn is barely a month away, I’m going to do the first drawing on December 1st. That way you can keep the prize, or, if you’d rather, give it away to someone on your holiday list. It’s a sampler pack of my greeting cards. You can check those out here. I will send the winner a custom sampler pack. It’s a prize worth $25! It’s easy to play–just offer your best guess. Some will be easy, others a bit more challenging. You must be specific so if for instance the puzzler features a type of bird, it’s not good enough to say it’s a bird. You must tell me what kind of bird, or insect, or snake, etc. If by some chance I pull your name in December, you will not be eligible to win the prize again for two cycles of the contest. This way more people get a chance to win and the winner isn’t always the same person. And one more thing—when you use the reply box there’s a delay before you’ll see the comment under the post. That’s because I have to approve the comments. I will wait until the day after I do the post to approve any comments so that people can’t simply look to see what others have guessed and then answer the same thing. 

Thanks as always for reading! I hope you’ll enter the contest! Use the comment box below. And don’t worry I’ll never use your name or address for anything other than the comments here on this blog. The reason the comments are screened is to prevent spam and totally inappropriate comments (you’d be amazed how often this happens!) from bots and others who simply use the comment box to publish their web address. 

Click here the answer. 

2 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #251: Looks Like Part of the Plants, But Is Really Something Else

  1. Renate Rikkers says:

    I’m “going out on a limb” here, Sharon! But – here we go:
    I think it’s a moth cocoon. maybe a promethea moth?
    Take a look at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History link about their moth cocoon project/exhibit ..


    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Renate, Thanks for reading and offering a guess. It was actually a mistake on my part in that I showed the chrysalises of two different butterflies so it was an impossible puzzler! But your guess was a great one. I have never seen the cocoon of a Promethea moth but I continue to look for one. Thanks for the article link!

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