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Weekly Puzzler Answer #250

Hello friends! Happy 4th of July weekend. I hope you’re having a great holiday, getting to be outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. 

My puzzler answer is coming late this week as I have been getting ready for a solo trip out of town. There isn’t a new puzzler this week. I will spend some time in Maroon Bells backpacking in Colorado with my 14-year-old niece, and will then travel to Texas to visit more family. There will be no blog posts while I’m traveling–I’ll be happily disconnected from all things digital! I’ll look forward to sharing my adventures and photos with you when I get back at the end of July. Have a good couple of weeks!

As you may recall last week’s puzzler was a fun video puzzler that featured singing frogs on a dark night. Did you recognize the sounds? Were they ones you’ve heard in a wetland near you? Could you tell that there were 3 different kinds of frogs?

The first frog, and one that is pretty much a constant in the whole chorus is the spring peeper, Pseudacris crucifer. This is a tiny frog, only one inch long weighing in about 3-5 grams. For such a small amphibian, they do make a big sound! When you hear a whole lot of them like in this video, it can be deafening. 

A singing spring peeper
Spring peepers are tiny! Only an inch long.

The second frog is a gray tree frog, Hyla versicolor. This frog is a bit larger–but still small! It is 1.25 inches to 2 inches long and can change its color from grayish to green depending on what it’s resting on. It has amazing camouflage!

A gray tree frog in the field.

This is the one with the flute-like trill. You can read more about this frog and listen to its call here, in a post I wrote a few years ago.

Gray tree frogs are small, only 1.25-2 inches long.
Gray tree frogs can be green or grayish.
A gray tree frog on a paw paw leaf.

The last frog in the video is only present a couple of times. It sounds like a banjo being plucked as is a green frog. Yes, there is a frog that’s named a green frog, and yes, it is green. You can read more about it here as I featured it as a puzzler way back in 2014. Amazing I’ve been doing this that long!

A green frog.

Thanks for reading. I hope your day is going well. See you again soon.

5 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler Answer #250

  1. Have a wonderful trip with your niece. Enjoy unplugging!!
    Four Winds and many travel🌈🌈🌈

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