Just a few weeks ago, everywhere I went I saw today’s puzzler blooming along the road. It was obviously a very common tree, impossible to miss with its prolific white flowers densely packed on arching branches that seemed more flower than leaf. I stopped numerous times on my way to somewhere to snap some photos. Wow, it has a LOT of flowers! And you know what? Later in the summer those trees will be full of dark red, almost black colored berries that all kinds of birds will enjoy eating.
Check it out:

Do you know the identity of this native tree? Have you seen it on a drive near you and wondered what it was? You can use the comment box below the post to give your guess, then check back next weekend to learn the answer…have a great weekend friends! Can you believe June is nearly halfway done?
It looks so different from our ornamental one.
The Wood is buttery soft for turning too
mulberry by any chance??
Arden, No, not Mulberry, but good guess! I think this may be a hard one as we always seem to see it while we’re driving somewhere so not much chance to look at it closely.