If you’re local in Western North Carolina, have you been to Hendersonville since they finished the bee mural? It’s a great story about this artist and his work and even greater that we can enjoy this artwork all the time if we want. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend going in person to check it out. And don’t forget to walk around the building as it continues on the side too. There’s a lot going on in it including several different kinds of pollinator flowers and insects. There is a monarch butterfly shown that has just emerged from her chrysalis, and guess what? The artist used my photo of a monarch butterfly as his model. Here’s the photo:

As you can see, the artist just flipped it around to be a mirror image. Do you recognize the flowers? Dandelion, Milkweed… and what about that white spiky flower in the lower corner?
The artist, Matt Willey, has committed to painting 50,000 honey bees, which is the number necessary for a healthy hive. 50,000! Can you imagine? He is somewhere around 8,000 right now after doing “our” Hendersonville mural. See the white flowers in the lower right hand corner? The ones that look like giant spiky balls? That bush is our puzzler for today.
Here are some photos:

Button Bush?
Helen, you got it! I recently planted a bush in my yard— can’t wait to watch it grow and attract pollinators. Thanks for reading! Enjoy your weekend.