Did you recognize the prolific shrub as Mountain Doghobble, Leucothoe fontanesiana? Between the arching, dense stems and the toothed leaves that can be quite sharp on the edges, it’s easy to imagine how it got its name–what dog would want to climb through it to get anywhere? Certainly none by choice, that’s for certain.
Besides being sharp and waxy, the leaves of Dog Hobble are toxic to dogs, cats and horses if ingested. This shrub is evergreen and common here in western NC along most any river, in ravines, and along rocky hillsides. It is endemic to the Southern Appalachian Mountain region from Virginia south to Georgia. Right now it is in full bloom. Check out the flowers:
So since we’re on the subject of plants, let’s do another plant puzzler–#239 a tree that has distinctive compound leaves and yellow, upright flowers.