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Weekly Puzzler #235: Bird with a Subtle Song

I spent some time recently at Great Smoky Mountains National Park and enjoyed several days of solitude and exploration. Even though it’s early spring, there is still a lot going on there, especially if one pays attention. A few spring ephemerals like Spring Beauty and Trout Lily were poking their heads out of the ground. There were vernal pools sprinkled throughout the meadows filled with amphibian eggs. Multiple species of frogs filled the air with their sometimes deafening calls (more to come about this on my blog in the near future) and male turkeys strutted around, displaying their wares for the ladies. Lots of bird songs could be heard, including our next puzzler, which seemed to follow me everywhere I went. 

This bird has a subtle song that is sometimes not noticed as it tends to get drown out by the louder, more melodious birds. Check it out here, you can hear it above the quiet gurgling of the creek beside me:

Do you recognize the owner of this subtle song? If so you can use the comment box below to give your guess. And just a note about the comments–you may have noticed if you’ve ever commented that there is a delay from the time you finish your comment until the time you see it live. That’s because I must approve the comment before it gets published. When I first started blogging I did not have this and WOW, let me tell you, things were crazy! I got all kinds of spam, comments with crude or inappropriate content, people using the space to advertise and link to their websites, and all things in between. For every post there were sometimes dozens of unrelated comments. So now I have the comments set up so I have to approve them first. Thanks for pushing through and doing it anyway! I appreciate when you take the time to read my posts, and even more, when you take the time to let me know by sending a comment. 

Have a great weekend! See you again soon.

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