What is your favorite season? It’s hard to decide, right?

But when you’re outside on a gorgeous fall day, walking on a leaf-carpeted trail, with colorful leaves swirling down from the heavens like confetti, it is hard not to choose autumn. Some days it feels like I’m in a snow globe, only instead of snow, it’s leaves raining down on me. I think my favorite season might be whichever one we’re in now.

I recently went on a road trip north, from western North Carolina where I live, to Virginia, West Virginia, and on into northern Pennsylvania, kayaking, hiking, camping, and capturing all of the wonders of the season along the way. For a few weeks I escaped the news, finding solace for my soul in the silence and beauty of nature.

And into the woods I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.

I’ve put together a few short video clips, to take you with me for a minute, into the splendor unique to fall.
I hope you are making time to get outside, wherever you are, and enjoy your surroundings. What’s your favorite part about fall? Do you have a special place you love to revisit when the leaves start to turn? What’s your favorite thing to do on a gorgeous fall afternoon? Please share your thoughts using the comment box below. I would enjoy hearing from you!