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Weekly Puzzler #226: Orange and Black Butterfly


Happy Fall to you! I hope you are staying safe in this age of Covid-19 and that you are still getting outside to enjoy the beauty and stillness of the outdoors. There is so much happening right now, from the trees beginning go change colors, to the hummingbirds fattening up for their long migration, to songbirds and hawks migrating, squirrels collecting and hiding nuts… the list keeps going! I hope you make time soon to get out and enjoy!

This week’s puzzler is a beautiful butterfly that is orange and black. Here are some photos:

A beautiful orange and black butterfly.

Do you recognize it? I would love to hear from you! Here’s the answer to weekly puzzler #226

7 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #226: Orange and Black Butterfly

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Arden, actually it’s the other way around— the Viceroy mimics the Monarch. Monarch caterpillars feed on milkweed as you know, and accumulate the chemicals in their bodies to make them distasteful to birds. Thanks for reading!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hi Nanci! Nice hearing from you! Well I guess I knew it when I posted this, that the majority of people would think it’s a Monarch, but actually it’s the other orange and black butterfly— the Viceroy. You are definitely not alone in thinking this was a Monarch! Thanks for taking time to read and comment!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      You’re welcome, Arden. Some of the butterflies are confusing to identify. I write a lot more about it on Saturday… stay tuned!

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